After all this time, this maybe the first movie for the last 1 year that I fell in love in the first sight with. The trailer is marvelous, it's a novel idea in any ways, and it's really making me proud of Indonesian movie producer.

The synopsis is pretty short but really engaging. It makes you wonder in your deepest sense what this movie is all about.
This is a story of a triangle love between
Cina (the boy), Annisa (the girl),
and Tuhan (God).Cina and Annisa love God
and God loves them both
But Cina and Annisa cannot love each other
because they call God by different names
Cina, an 18 year-old college freshmen, was ready to conquer the world with a strong faith, yet naive, since it had never been tested by failure.
God (Tuhan) is the most unpredictable character. Everybody tries to describe Him. Everybody thought they knew Him. Every art tried to figure Him. But nothing is really like Him...or Her
Annisa is a 24 year-old college senior whose education was held back because of her career in the movie industry. Her fame and beauty left her so lonely that she drew a sad face on her finger as her companion. Until one day, another finger came and she was no longer lonely.
I have watched the below trailer several times and I still in love with this trailer. It potraits the religious difference so bluntly that a lot of discussin in Kaskus and other web forums predict that the film will be banned. However their premiere screening will be in London on 29 May 2009 and I really wanted to be there but I will be only in London on 10 June 2009 (if my visa application successful though, please help me God on this one, hehe)
Meanwhile, I can only do the same as what everybody else do in most of their lifetime, waiting.
wah kyknya filmnya menarik nih sut, ntar nonton di indo aja, beli dvdnya hehe
Kapan bisa main di Indo ya ? ato paling tidak ada DVD nya gitu, papa juga mau bgt tuch nonton, hehehe
wow this actually looks good. The premise is interesting, I'm curious how they'll resolve it. You know it might not get as much popularity as Ayat-Ayat Cinta although this looks to be more intelligent. Snag a copy while you're there!
I heard from the director that they still have difficulties in getting 21cineplex wanting to put it in their network, they are now trying to entice Blitz Megaplex to put it in their network but there is still no clear decision.
Their roadshow in UK is only until 5 June in Univ of Manchester, so I can't see it but they say that they started to see the way out to broadcast their film in Indo, hehe
I chatted with the one who become Cina (Sunny Soon), he is quite a nice and humble guy